Wednesday, October 7th

Today we will have a virtual assembly celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, Identity and Our Beloved Family of Sunset. To reduce the incidence of technical problems, we have pre-recorded this assembly. This means that there is no “meeting” that the students will attend. In their calendars in Teams, students need to open the invitation and click on the link they will find in the text: Pulse AQUÍ/ Click HERE. Please note that the link will only work if you are logged into your BSD account.

NEXT WEEK --> Wednesday, October 14th

There will be an enrichment lesson related to our assembly this week for all students to participate next Wednesday, October 14th. They will also find an invitation in the Teams calendar. Here are the links too: Lección de Hoy/ Today’s Lesson (Record your answer here). If you've never used FlipGrid, here is a video that explains the process step by step How to Use FlipGrid - English Video.

If you need help with the lessonPULSE AQUÍ/ CLICK HERE on Wednesday October 14th from 9-10AM.

¡Mil gracias!

school assembly