It’s Standardized Testing Season again! Let’s work together to make testing days a little sweeter. The PTA is organizing snacks for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to be distributed to the classrooms following their tests.

Testing will take place between May 6th and May 17th. Testing dates for each classroom will be available via your child's teacher in early May.

If you would like to contribute snacks, please bring them to the labelled box in the Front Office no later than May 3rd. Please bring non-perishable, individually wrapped, health-ish snacks. If you would prefer to contribute a small donation for a collective costco purchase, please email .

All 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will be offered testing day snacks regardless of family donations. Donations are gratefully accepted, not required. Any leftover snacks will be given to teachers and staff in appreciation for their hard work.