Birthday Book Club books using - A great and easy way to support our library!

  • When you want to purchase your books, click on “Proceed to Check Out”.
  • Put in your own e-mail address and password or create a new account.
  • Choose to send the book straight to our school or to your home.
  • Fill in all personal information and click on the "Add gift wrap/note" to place the NAME of the STUDENT donating the book. 
  • Complete your purchase and you are on your way to donating a book to Puesta del Sol Library – THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

 Other options for donating a book: 

  • A newly published hardback from any book store (Barnes and Noble at University Village has a fantastic selection of Spanish books)
  • Donation of $20 will pay for a new book purchased by Mrs. Brody
  • Amazon also has a gift card option